Saturday, July 8, 2017

Cell Phones and Mental Health Issues

An Assumption College study indicates a connection between cell phone usage and mental health...on the basis that so many people now use cell phones as mini-computers and are on the devices almost all the time...disconnecting themselves from real relationships --resulting in depression, isolation....I think over time we'll see more studies like this ..that will establish what some of us already know...placing yourself almost exclusively in a world without real, in-person relationships is simply not healthy....

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Jamn Promotions--Advertising Opportunity for many

One of my good friends, Mark Caseau, can provide many "kinds" of businesses with an effective and value priced means of advertising through Jamn Promotions' restaurant placemat programs as well as a couple of community publications they publish! The placemats in particular are--I think-=-an effective strategy for local businesses who want to promote services and products to a local audience! Mark has a significant number of restaurants throughout Central and Eastern Massachusetts who work with him...and talking with Mark at Jamn Promotions would be worth the call!

Friendly's Restaurants--Signs of a Turnaround!

I've visited a couple local Friendly's Restaurants in the past month, and watch the company's new television commercials with interest, because I see signs of a turnaround! Years ago, Friendly's was a place to meet people for coffee or an inexpensive lunch--for business or with friends / family. The menu was comfortably limited, was the quality of the food, generally the service, and the cleanliness. Friendly's was a real asset to people like me who were on the road all the time! About 20 years ago or more, Friendly's began this journey toward becoming an upscale sort of restaurant--and lost it's niche--and it's way. As has happened to other restaurants and retailers, they attempted to become something there was really no need for--no audience for --and lurched from ownership group to ownership group. The menu was drastically expanded--as did the cost! The quality generally declined--the freshness declined--service seemed to be inconsistent, probably as the numbers of diners dropped--and cleanliness was affected in a negative ways as well. But over the past few months, Friendly's seems to be cutting back on the menu, certainly stressing "value" and cost in their advertising, and my visits have been pleasant. I'm rooting hard for Friendly's! The company is local --the need / niche still important to me-although I'm not on the road as much, I still look for a good place to meet people---and there is a niche there for business people in general, as well as individuals and families! Happy to see the evolution--and hoping for more of the same!!