Friday, July 17, 2020

Excited About Great Opportunities

As a nation, we're going through a great deal of upheaval and transition!

Perhaps we can focus on getting excited about some GREAT OPPORTUNITIES for positive and exciting change!!

Let's consider a few of the things / structures that could be exciting to change and bring people together!

For instance: State flags-at least the one in Massachusetts. I have to admit, I have paid NO attention to our state flag, ever. It had no bearing, and didn't resonate at all with me, nor was I conscious about how the flag was perceived by Native Americans. But I also understand, now that I've listened and learned, that Native Americans would feel that it demeans them.

So..let's have some fun with it! Let's sort out a new flag. Maybe we can design a flag that exemplifies inclusion! Or..some other history or promotion of our resources? From the Berkshires to the Cape(s) --let's not forget Cape Ann---there are so many resources and vacation spots and history associated with the Commonwealth, let's come up with something new that reflects a message that resonates today!!!

Team nicknames: Again, because I'm not Native American, I've never thought about school nicknames, but now that I'm conscious about the derogatory nature of some of the nicknames, it's a no brainer to change them.

Again, I would encourage towns / cities to have fun with the process! Run a contest or bring the community together in some format to select a new nickname. Don't make it a negative, make it a positive: we're going to select a nickname not based on the past so much as what we want to project now!

Statues--well--I never really loved statues. First of all--they are expensive to have created ( if a community wants a new one ) and even cost communities to maintain them.

Most people don't even know who is being "memorialized" on the statue they are having a photo taken in front of --or why someone or some committee thought it was a good idea to memorialize that individual. Some of the people memorialized on statues are seen, often rightly I would add, as having very tragic or hurtful or violent pasts -to one race or religious denomination or culture or another. I had NO idea and had never given any thought ( I don't travel to speak of outside of New England ) about the possibility that leaders of the Confederacy would be memorialized throughout the nation! Having become conscious ( that's the word for 2020 --conscious ) that these statues exist--how can people of color see them as anything other than a not so subtle form of bullying, of some sort of perverted hope on the part of some for a return to slavery -or at least, the degradation of people of color??!! How can anyone say that the leaders of a movement to maintain slavery should be memorialized?

So, in sticking with the proposition of GREAT OPPORTUNITIES --let's remove all statues. Yes, all of them! Move statues to private museums that want to display them. This would extend to any religious statues on public land. Move them to church / synagogue / mosque / other properties that want them!

Instead of statues, because I think removing them / destroying them will create such depths of emotion that it will be impossible for at least a generation for people to agree about replacing them with any other public figures ( which suits me because I don't particularly think any statue is worth the cost or aggravation ) -- let's create / replace the statues with trees, or gardens, or fountains. All would be far more beautiful than most statues, should create less angst, and be nice spots to take photos in front of!!

Schools: A number of schools around the country may be named after past public figures who we are not excited to hold onto so firmly in our public consciousness --again, make it fun and exciting to pull the community together to re-name any school or public building that fits that category.

Military Bases: That word again--conscious ---I never knew who or why military bases were named, and I still find it difficult to understand why we named bases after Confederate generals or leaders. ( See above-statues ) So, let's quickly get the top military leaders - maybe the Joint Chiefs of Staff(?) together and re-name them!!!

Some will argue that all these "things" reflect our history. Well, museums can display that history--and people can make their own decisions about going to view them. But there is no excuse for underlying, not-so-subtle bullying. There is no reason to continue being derogatory --or nasty--or negative. If you truly believe we are all one nation--let's take joy in making constructive, positive, community changes!!! We can begin the process quickly--involve so many community members--and make it exciting to look at our future instead of dwelling on the negatives of the past. We can - and should --turn this into an exciting and fun opportunity!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Self-Isolating From The Prisons We Find Ourselves In

Self – isolating from hate, violence, evil

As 2020 drags on, I find myself “self-isolating” more and more—not so much out of fear of the virus - which every day I am more convinced is an act of bio-terrorism by China, and a successful attack at that - –but because of what the virus has exposed for all to see---the “true levels” of faith, or lack of faith commitment, as well as hate, violence, and evil in the country and the world. But my focus today is on what is happening in the United States, Massachusetts, and Central Massachusetts—our neighborhoods.
This virus ( or attack ) has put everyone in a “prison” of sorts. To wear masks or not—to assault those who--if someone isn’t wearing a mask, particularly if you have a significant health issue and feel threatened by the person without the mask---and the increasing episodes of violence resulting from those disputes –is an indication of the true nature of people.

We all feel like we’re living in an alternative universe—from a bad science fiction movie. I find myself unable to go to large stores and see a large number of people in masks, even though I understand the need for them, as a way to try and keep others safe, as a way to be respectful and caring and kind.

Most of us have lost out on seeing long time friends and family members, particularly if they have serious underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, heart problems, asthma, cancer, or other serious conditions that we know about! I’m sadly aware that I may never see some of those friends and family members in person again, never hug them, never hold them close—at least not in our lifetimes on this earth.

We miss going to the lake or ocean, and going to the free outdoor concerts, or the community theater, or the restaurant ( many of us will not ever go to an indoor restaurant again ) or even a grocery or department store. We miss going to church, to synagogue, to a mosque, as well as participating in ministries. Many of us miss working, or more specifically, working and making the money needed to pay existing bills, much less move from job to job in an upward progression that provides us with opportunities to better ourselves financially. In fact, right now for a VERY large percentage of Americans, survival is the focus.

So, we are imprisoned by this virus, and we find our communities, our local communities, losing businesses who just can’t hold on this long, and we wonder about school and our children / grandchildren, and fairs, parades, regattas, and other long time community events that bind us together-and are gone, at least for now.
In the midst of this some truly awful violent events have spawned protests and in some cases riots and added a heavy load of fear to our lives, and confusion, and we are all imprisoned by some terrible truths about the country’s past –what our ancestors did ---and in too many cases—despite many of our best efforts and commitments, in spite of how some of us have fought for equal / civil rights for decades –terrible truths about how so many neighbors—people of color, gay and transgender neighbors—Jewish and Muslim neighbors—women in general, are being treated today. We’re further imprisoned by violence and angry words that spawn retaliation and more violence and more threats from all sides. And we live in that prison day after day.

The response to the “prison” this bio-terror attack / virus put us in has been sadly predictable and discouraging.

I’ve long believed, in part because of my interpretation of the Bible and in part via 67 years of observation, that about 40% of people everywhere have decided to NOT live lives committed to God. About 25% of people DO accept God and live as closely as possible to God’s will. That leaves about 35% of people who just aren’t sure, or who bend between the two. This 35% constitutes the “battleground” between Satan / evil and those who are committed to God.

Under the best of circumstances, those percentages ring true to me. So, 40% of everyone—no matter what color your skin or what your sexual orientation or your gender identification –or career –police officer or accountant or teacher or social worker or grocery store worker—40% of everyone has chose a life not in tune with God. This doesn’t mean that the 40% go around shooting or stealing all the time—but God through Jesus has said that our primary life responsibility is to love God—and love our neighbor. By loving our neighbor- I always took that to mean respect, tolerance, kindness. Those in the 40% “category” often choose not to either love God, nor choose to love their neighbors.

Extreme prolonged stress often brings out the worst, and the best, in people. I’m blessed to know people who have spent the past 4 months delivering emergency food to isolated seniors, putting themselves at risk, and others who have fed and brought encouragement to first responders and health care professionals dealing with so many critically ill and dying people. I know first responders who have put themselves at risk -police officers, fire fighters, ems staff, as well as janitors and grocery store workers and truck drivers who ensure access to food and supplies. Many of these people have demonstrated kindness and caring. How many of these people are in the 40% - but are “reaching into a reservoir of good within themselves—or are in the 25% --or in the 35% and being their best selves, only God knows.

But I’ve also experienced, as many of us all have, a greater number of drivers simply ignoring stop lights & signs—who have no patience at all with those of us who drive the speed limit---who act like they should be the only ones on the road. Many of us have experienced practically being run over in grocery stores –most every time I’ve had to go to grocery stores—by angry people. The angry exchanges and now violence and threats of violence during these exchanges are escalating.

The violence we’ve seen on television ( or in person if you have been a participant ) at protests that a small number turn into riots is disheartening and frightening.
Social media has become –even more than previously—a harbor / vehicle for anyone who chooses to espouse hate and prejudice –and people of all colors are guilty of this –but there are clearly more white people who either feel threatened or angry or hold very deep prejudices and in the relatively anonymous world of social media feel free to express the darkness of their hearts.

I do some part time work that requires my being on Facebook and other social media—and I have enjoyed blogging -promoting my posts on social media. But the darkness I see and feel on Facebook in particular ( which in NO way do I blame Facebook for by the way ) –the anger and open expressions of hate and declarations of violence as a preferred way to deal with long standing feelings and hurts and prejudice has me thinking more seriously about either getting off Facebook or—if I stopped blogging and working—eliminating anyone but a few relatives and friends –maybe going from 3000+ “friends” to 150 “friends” ---who I’m blessed to know don’t share the darkness.

As the world around us –right here in Central Mass as well as beyond—seems to dissolve into this pool of hate and violence---I’ve begun self-isolating. I wasn’t aware of what I was doing at first, but over the past 3-4 weeks I realized that it is simply healthier for me to stay away from most people and settings! I drive very infrequently now, and don’t go very far—as most every time I even drive the 2 miles to the fruit / vegetable store and the pharmacy I see people being more aggressive than ever before—and people around here drive very aggressively to begin with. I just manage a few errands and turn right around and go home!

I take my 3 mile walk, we love taking care of our 2 and a half year old great niece, am blessed to have a couple terrific neighbors / friends, talk on the telephone with other lifelong friends, do my work and writing, and love to read. The television –particularly Hallmark Christmas movies and mysteries provides escapes. Prayer fills most days. With all this, I find I need to be out in the world less and less often. Being out in the world seems more dangerous-and the world seems more filled with evil, and people who have chosen evil, than ever before.

Sadly, beyond prayer, I feel powerless to do anything about the dissolution of our society and world. Throughout my life I worked, and volunteered in settings / organizations / political candidates who I thought would shape a better world. While I do believe my efforts did assist some people, my work hardly made a dent in the fight against racism, or human trafficking, or prejudice based on sexual orientation, or hate, or getting people to vote. In that regard, I feel that I’ve failed. It’s now up to the next generation to sort out strategies to address these issues, and I simply hope and pray that those strategies reflect God’s love and how God asks us to live.

While for many, isolation is a negative and unhealthy circumstance, for me, a level of isolation is indeed a positive. As I feel more and more powerless, withdrawing into prayer and escaping into positive light-hearted activities helps me create an alternative universe of my own. I find a way to create “Light” in the midst of the darkness of this world. I pray that others can begin doing the same rather than allow frustration to become anger that becomes rage that becomes violence. I also pray that the next generation is more successful at creating a better, more just, more Godly world. May God’s peace fill your hearts and souls.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Christmas & Easter --Hallmark & Lifetime Movies--Nana and Grandpa's Nativity

Christmas and Easter are so tied together.. Without Easter, Christmas would have no meaning. Easter makes Christmas as important as it is.
Christmas has –as many spiritually important / religious holy days have become now—less valued for the religious significance. However, for many of us the true meaning lives on—because of Easter.

Even without as much religious significance generally, for many of us Christmas, with the lights and decorations and the music, is still a beautiful time –and for many of us—especially if we try to live lives where Easter is “celebrated” –or “observed”—or lived ( as closely as we can learn to ) everyday—Christmas can be “celebrated / observed / lived” every day of the year.

And for those of us who claim to be Christians, followers of God through Jesus, our call is to live Easter everyday of our lives. The two days are tied together –to truly be lived every day.

That’s one of the reasons I enjoy Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas / Holiday ( am thankful networks and channels are finally paying attention to Hannukah –and waiting for other faith traditions to be recognized via movies and programs too—and are finally getting more diverse in their casting ) movies and programs. Thankful for DVR and DVD’S!

These movies are escapes from the depressing and disturbing world we live in. I escape often—many times per week in fact—“into” these movies lift my heart and soul..or just quiet my heart and soul.

Beyond that –movies –and white lights ( up in my office and family room throughout the year ) and a few other Christmas / holiday decorations—MOST especially ( for decades and decades ) the Nativity that my grandpa made that has also served as my focus point for prayer—remind me and emphasize that Christmas and Easter are to be lived every day of the year!

We don’t love God—or love our neighbors—respect, tolerate, care for, and pray for our neighbors just a few times a year—or just on Sunday. We are called to love God and each other every day throughout our lives here on earth
Grandpa’s ( and Nana’s ) Nativity, the white lights and the decorated ( with white lights ) tree, the music I play often throughout the year, are all part of sort of a daily “service” –an ongoing – sometimes all day–religious service.

The movies are not only pleasant ways to escape the bleak reality around us—but also gentle reminders of what we are called to be.
I grew up in what was not such a pleasant home –a violent home. Early on, and especially once I was on my own at 17, I learned to “create” quiet—“create a “focus for prayer” area in wherever I lived, to decorate in a way that made me feel peaceful –and to watch what would make me feel positive …and away from the “noise” of life.
Perhaps you did too? I’ve met so many people who certainly did not grow up –or may have lived in—not so pleasant homes during part of their lives. Whether that applies to you –or if you are blessed to have not experienced that kind of situation—finding ways and places to be calm –find positivity –peace—and maybe a particular place to pray ( someday I’ll write about the movie: The War Room ) –can be so important –and tying Christmas and Easter together with TODAY in our lives becomes a daily mental and prayerful lifestyle.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Mrs. America Pageants

Mrs. America Pageants
August 8th is a big day! Regal B Productions is organizing a combined day of Mrs. America pageants that day at Mohegan Sun. Mrs. America title holders will be crowned for Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Jersey. In addition, first runner up title holders ( with a variety of duties ) will be awarded, and the Miss Massachusetts For America title ( for any unmarried woman of any age ) will be awarded too!

Melissa Bassano, a former Mrs. Rhode Island America and now the producer / choreographer / emcee for Regal B Productions is the State Director for 8 pageants, and clearly an enthusiastic advocate for pageant programs.

“Competing in pageants prepared me for what I do now.” Bassano states. She is an executive career and life coach, and a public speaker. “Participating in pageants prepares you by having you talk with people, placing you in situations that allow you to be the best you can be, develop health goals that include eating healthy and working out, and gives participants and title holders public speaking experience.”

Bassano begin entering pageants when she was 18. “I was a singer, and my vocal coach suggested I compete in a local pageant that included a talent portion.” “I was a very competitive person!” She says, “and the pageants were exciting as well as terrific opportunities for self- development.”
The Mrs. America pageant has been around for 45 years, and according to Bassano, is the oldest and most prestigious pageant for married women. The state title winners will receive all expense trips to the national competition in Las Vegas.

Bassano finds so much about the pageants very gratifying. Beyond the self-development opportunities, the title holders and organizations support many organizations and charities. For instance, Bassano has been involved for a number of years with the Gloria Gemma Cancer Research Foundation. ( She is a cancer survivor ) The national and local pageant organizations have been involved for 15 years with Toys for Tots, and more recently has been raising funds for Victoria’s Voice, an organization helping people with drug addictions.

Emily Friedman, the current Mrs. Massachusetts, has been actively involved in advocating for increasing housing for disabled and low- income populations.
The August 8th competitions will be carefully orchestrated to maintain social distancing. The program will be held in a room that could hold 600, but only 200 people will be allowed in the room.

While it is too late to participate in the 2020 competition, right after the August 8th event planning and organizing begins for 2021. “We have many amazing sponsors this year, and we’ll have additional sponsorship opportunities for 2021.” Bassano says. “ Anyone who might be interested in competing in local pageants during the year should contact us through our website: for information.”