Saturday, August 25, 2018

Thinking of blessings

Yesterday, I was sitting for a good half hour in a lawn chair, enjoying the shade of a tree, with our 14 year old little white Maltese, Romeo, in my lap. Romeo is a people centered little dog, has been since we adopted him about seven years ago. He likes people who pay attention to him, tell him how cute he is ( and believe me, he is, and knows it ) and perhaps pet him if so inclined! He's slowing down considerably now, and we are saddened by the recognition that Romeo has some significant health issues, so every day becomes a gift.

As I'm sitting there in the relative quiet of the neighborhood in Worcester--we are not downtown -so there are times that are fairly quiet--not like in the country or by a lake--but for a city --you can sometimes still enjoy relative peace--I was conscious of simply enjoying the "being" there with Romeo. He's lying in my lap, just watching the neighbor's houses and the trees, always alert of other dogs who would disturb his privacy. Sadly in many ways, his definition of other dogs who disturb his peace would be any dog within a half mile!

Have you ever had moments like this--when the world seems blocked at for a bit--when you can feel the light breeze cross your cheeks and just barely pick up the scent of some nearby flowers? When you can simply hold your pup or cat or someone you love and without saying anything, be grateful to God for those moments?

Yesterday, I got to experience a good half hour of that kind of peaceful-ness. Yesterday, as I was experiencing that quiet stillness, I was conscious of God's presence in the middle of the moment, of God's being right there with Romeo and me. And, as I was experiencing those moments, I was able to quietly thank God for many blessings--especially the blessing of those minutes--and the blessing of Romeo.

I pray today that you are able to steal a few minutes out of your day today, to sense God's presence, and to revel in the stillness.

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