Tuesday, January 22, 2019

If I was President today...

If I was President today, the government would NOT be shutdown!   I'd have sat down months ago with Senators and members of the House of Representative, along with military and security experts, and sorted out the most efficient ways to address the three most pressing needs for our border security:

- Finding and arresting those engaged in human trafficking and freeing those enslaved.

-Finding and arresting those engaged in drug trafficking

-Finding and arresting those trying to cross the border illegally

Another top concern would be how to move forward with locating people who came into this country legally on visas, then stayed beyond the time frame allowed by the visa. This is a major percentage of people in the U.S. illegally.  We would also discuss how to prevent that from happening.

No wall would be built, because I've heard from no source, Republican or Democrat or military or security that a wall is a particularly effective way to secure our border, and there have been a number of suggestions, from a bi-partisan group of legislators to start with, of ways to secure the borders.

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