Wednesday, January 23, 2019

If I was President today....

The cost AND availability of affordable housing is a true crisis throughout the nation, yet, nothing is being considered in the way of addressing this life crisis and economic crisis for millions!  

Housing costs have increased dramatically over the past twenty years, and especially so over the past decade.  Millions of us --the middle class, working class, and poor, as well as the elderly, and the disabled--worry a great deal about where we might be able to afford to live in the near future.

The "cost" of housing and the limitations this creates on economic growth is staggering. Given short shrift in Washington, housing and healthcare are the two primary concerns of an overwhelming percentage on Americans. Waiting lists for Senior / Disabled housing are frequently years, and in some cases we are told there is a ten year waiting list!  The stress and despair this causes for millions of people who know that they cannot afford or are physically unable because of health concerns to remain in their home, whether it's a house or apartment, is rarely considered. Nor apparently is the overall economic aspect--that many of us avoid spending money on other items, or entertainment, or even needed goods and services, as we work hard to save money for the disaster that seems so imminent.   The homeless population will continue to grow if this problem is not addressed.

Why wouldn't we consider a multi-faceted approach to addressing this critical problem? We should be looking in every community at the available buildings and determining / planning to promote some of those empty buildings that already exist ( and virtually every community has a number --many old industrial or commercial buildings that are empty ) as either appropriate / desired as residential --or as industrial / commercial. Not enough planning like this is done in our nation.

Then, the federal government should move to purchase those buildings that are most promising in terms of apartment buildings, or as senior / disabled / affordable units. The federal government should purchase these buildings through third parties or through local agencies that pay only market or below market rates.  We would then begin simple renovations, and turn worn out deteriorating buildings into simple but safe, strong, ad clean truly affordable housing!

I'd be sure that these housing units are available at well below market rates, at the levels current senior / disabled housing is run.  Collaborations with local non-profits would be created, with the agencies contracted to run and maintain these communities and at the rental levels mentioned.

Why not be creative?  Partnership / collaboration opportunities exist with non-profits throughout the nation!  Developing truly affordable housing, from apartments to "tiny house communities" in some parts of the country to assisted living communities ( a HUGE need--and generally not affordable to the majority of Americans ) to other forms of housing--so many possibilities!

How do we pay for this?  We need to totally tear apart the government's budget--and create priorities. This is one of THE priorities!  The collaborations / partnerships with non-profits also opens up other funding opportunities.  But, if we consider not just the "human / humane" aspect of promoting the creation of truly affordable housing---and balance that with the economic growth in the communities where this kind of housing allows residents to live decent less stressful lives, our making housing a priority cannot be debated. Today, I'd be making this a top priority.

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